Enishi Akita Inu Kakunodate 3

Accommodation in Japan

Hotel, Ryokan Inn, Traditional House

In Japan, it is possible to book different sorts of accommodation to lodge during your travel. Moreover, booking a room is easy thanks to the Internet through various reservation platforms or directly on the hotel’s website, that usually offers an English language version for international tourists.

Of course, Western-style hotels and business hotels are extremely numerous, but the size of their surface happens to be quite limited, especially in large cities, unless you are able to spend more money.

More traditional lodging, such as ryokan inns or minshuku guest houses, are also demanded as their costs are not as high as we might fear. The price per night is based on the number of guests, on the room’s comfort level and if additional services are included or not (dinner, breakfast, private onsen bath, etc.)

For families or travelers willing to live the Japanese way, renting an apartment or a house is very interesting and cost saving, depending on the number of person in the group.

Finally, for the lowest budgets, capsule hotels, guest houses or dormitories system are still in use, especially in Tokyo.

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