Early Check-In and Late Check-Out Due to Flight Schedule at HND ?

1 answer

I am transiting (US Passport Holder) through Haneda Airport. My flight arrives on the morning of February 20th at 6 AM, and I will be departing for Seattle on the same day at 9 PM. I want to use this time to explore and meet a friend.

I understand that hotels have a standard check-in time at 3 PM and check-out time is 11 AM. However, these times do not align with my arrival and departure schedule.

Could you please advise me on what options are available in this situation at HND airport? Are there places where it is possible to check in around 8 AM and check out at 5 PM?


By Manoj Syamala Posted on February 10, 2025 Related topics:
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See the answer to this question

February 11, 2025

You could consider:
A. Storing your luggage in coin locker
B. Using airport/airline lounges or Relaxation Station for shower n rest before departure. Some of these may require entry fee.

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