Statue of Inari fox holding a scroll in its mouth

Japan Travel Guide

Planning a Successful Trip in Japan

Japan is a destination attracting a growing number of foreign travelers, from all around the world. In 2017, for the first time, they were almost 30 million to discover its territories, and the figures keep increasing. If Asian people (Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese…) are the first tourists on the archipelago in numbers, Westerners are not that far away.

Traveling to Japan is not as difficult as it used to be, but it is still important to gather as much information as possible to make the most of your trip in the archipelago. Bearing that in mind, we will offer you here essential information and will try to answer all your questions about this topic.

Thanks to Kanpai Japan, prepare your stay in Japan with serenity, travel without spending more than needed. You can find all our guides here: sightseeing in Japan, accommodation, transportation, phone and internet, Japanese food, calendar per seasons and much more.

Read our Japan travel guide

Our complete Japan destinations' guide (see the link above) provides visits descriptions, with interactive maps and numerous practical information, illustrated with photos and videos, with recommendations for all places and tips to find spots off the beaten tracks.

Since 2019, January 7th, all foreign visitors leaving Japan must pay a ¥1,000 (~US$6.70 International Tourist Tax, collected by airlines on every return ticket, except for children under 2 years old. The collected amounts are used to improve touristic travels throughout the country.

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