English-Japanese translations:all questions
< Back to this topic's main pageSamurai greetings?
Hello! What is the Japanese phrase (words) a Samurai would say upon greeting someone? Thank you. Vincent
Hoisin Sauce in Japanese?
Hi, I was wondering how do you write and say “Hoisin Sauce” in Japanese? Many thanks, Yibo
Where to find the Akuma no gishiki book?
Hello everybody! I'm very excited about the Japanese culture especially the miths and legends surrounding it…
How is Zatoichi spelled and pronounced in Japanese?
I enjoy the films of Zatoichi and was wondering how is it spelled and said in Japanese?
Kanpai or Kampai, which is most correct?
Hello! Have seen "Cheers" in Japanese written as "kanpai" and "kampai", which is correct or most correct?…
Need help to Interprete this to Nihongo
No class next Tuesday as the Month of May has 5 Tuesdays ( We conduct 4 Lesson each month ) There are a…
Please check my Japanese poem?
Hello! I'm writing a poem, and I decided to include a Japanese part to it. I'm a half-Japanese who was born…