Please check my Japanese poem?

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Hello! I'm writing a poem, and I decided to include a Japanese part to it. I'm a half-Japanese who was born and raised in the United States, so obviously my Japanese is not completely on par with that of a native born Japanese. I'm fairly confident that my writing, romaji and translations are good, but there's always the possibility that I've made a mistake. Naturally, in the event that I have, I'd like to correct it.

(Sorry if this is the wrong category to put this in, by the way. I just figured my question fit best here.)

Some other things I'd like to ask if anyone is willing to answer are:

- Are my brackets good? I mean, are they the correct ones to use for the situation?

- Were any commas I used used correctly?

- Did I use my macrons (¯) right? Are there any other letters that require macrons over them?

- Are there any words or phrases which possess more eloquence that would be appropriate to replace the existing ones?

- Could my translations be altered to convey the meanings of the phrases or words better?

A lot of questions, I know. But I want to get this part right. Anyway, thanks to anyone who'll take the time to answer me. Without further ado, here's the Japanese part of my poem:

Akai itō, akai itō
Red string, red string

Jinsei wa nan desu ka?
What is life?

Kamisama, Kamisama
God, God

Kotaete kudasai
Please answer

Dokō ni imasu ka?
Where are you?

Akai itō, akai itō
Red string, red string

Jinsei wa nan desu ka?
What is life?

Kamisama, Kamisama
God, God

Kotaete yō
Answer me

Unmei wa nan irō?
What color is fate?

By ghoulish Posted on August 24, 2016
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