Nakaragi Path, Photo shooting of a traditional wedding during the weeping cherry trees season

Nakaragi Path

The Shidare-zakura Tunnel in the North of Kyoto

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Nakaragi Path is a pedestrian alley overlooked by the flowers of weeping cherry trees, along the Kamo river, between Kitaoji-bashi and Kitayama-ohashi bridges, in the north of Kyoto. During the sakura blossom season, the about 800-meter long stroll unfolds under a beautiful tunnel of bright pink petals.

Beyond Demachiyanagi in the north of Kyoto, the banks of the river Kamo are covered in Japanese cherry trees that bloom in spring and enlightening the two sides of the river on a 6-kilometer span. Walking or cycling passersby enjoy stopping under the long flowery branches for a pleasant contemplative break. In this area, on the left bank of the Kamo-gawa, or the eastern side when going upstream, is the Nakaragi Path (in Japanese, Nakaragi no michi).

Nakaragi Path, Under the weeping cherry trees tunnel in spring

Kyoto’s weeping cherry trees spot

This place is a sakura 🌸 viewing spot, known among the locals for its particular "tunnel" layout and for its "weeping cherry trees" the shidarezakura, a species specific to Japan. With bright pink and sometimes red drooping flowers, the weeping cherry trees are very distinctive from the more common somei yoshino sakura whose blossoms are of a light pink. The blooming peak also usually happens later and make the season a little bit longer.

Nakaragi Path is bordered by about 70 shidarezakura whose branches were laid on bamboo pergolas, to create the sakura tunnel effect during the full bloom. It is one of the very few places in Kyoto, along with the Heian Jingu’s gardens, where one can walk under weeping cherry trees.

Nakaragi Path, Weeping cherry trees tunnel during the blossom season 2

Botanical walk along the Kamo River

On a beautiful day, in late March to early April, the walk is enchanting. One can encounter young couples making the most of this beautiful natural decor for wedding pictures. After the blooming peak, flowers fall 🍁 from the cherry trees and are replaced by green leaves providing some green as well as coolness in summer.

Next to Nakaragi Path, Kyoto Botanical Gardens offers a beautiful complementary visit with beautiful blooming cherry trees gathered in its Sakura-bayashi wood.

⬇️ Further down this page, discover our visit guide in Nakaragi Path and around.
By Kanpai Updated on February 25, 2025 Chemin Nakaragi