Shitenno-ji (Osaka), Chumon Gate of the Four Heavenly Kings' Enclosure


One of the Oldest Temples in Japan

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Shitenno-ji is one of the oldest Japanese Buddhist temples and is located in the south-east of Osaka. It was the first to be commissioned by an emperor at a times where Buddhism was still new in Japan. Despite suffering destruction by several fires throughout the ages, its current reconstruction reproduces its appearance when it was first built in the 6th century.

Shitenno-ji temple was built in 593, at the initiative of prince Shotoku Taishi (574 ā€“ 622), an eminent statesman and intellectual of the Asuka period and promoter of Buddhism in Japan. The place worships the Four Heavenly Kings that Shotoku Taishi prayed to win a battle. The Shi-tenno are considered as the protectors of the 4 cardinal points and guardians of the Buddhist law.

The Four Heavenly Kingsā€™ temple in the heart of the city

The religious grounds is home to several pavilions, those at the center being specifically dedicated to the Four Heavenly Kings. It also shelters a cemetery, and the traditional stroll garden Gokuraku Jodo no Niwa ("Garden of the Pure Land Paradise") embellished by a few sakuraĀ šŸŒø trees. The most remarkable buildings are a beautiful 5-story pagoda into which it is possible to enter, four great gates, and in the west a large stone toriiĀ ā›©ļø gate dating to the 13th century and designated National Treasure.

Shitenno-ji (Osaka), Large stone torii gate and Gokuraku-mon gate

Kannon and Dainichi Nyorai are also worshiped at the temple, as well as the Tokugawaā€™s funerary tablets. While the buildings were completely reconstructed several times, as often in Japan, it is still a pleasant sight to see.

Shitenno-ji temple offers a particularly charming stroll, without crowds of tourists and the locals enjoy relaxing in this quiet place. Most of the templeā€™s grounds are free to access, except on the 21th of each month, when a large flea market takes place in its large alleys.

ā¬‡ļø Further down this page, discover our visit guide in Shitenno-ji and around.
By Kanpai Updated on March 12, 2025 Shitenno-ji