Seishun 18 Kippu: the Little-known Alternative to JR Pass
Affordable Train Tickets in Japan
The Seishun 18 Kippu, or JR Seishun Jû-Hachi Kippu (or S18K) for "youth 18 ticket", is a train ticket for unlimited rides over 5 days on the JR company’s local and rapid trains, all over Japan. With a very competitive ¥10,000 (~US$66.96) or ¥12,050 (~US$80.68) cost, its use is nevertheless limited to a few specific times of the year. New conditions of use will be implemented starting winter 2024 – 2025.
Despite the JR Pass being foreign sightseers’ favorite transportation deal in Japan, it is not necessarily suitable for all travelers in the archipelago, especially since its consequent price hike in fall 🍁 2023.
Besides the iconic Tokaido Route, Japan has many other ways to travel to lovely places. That is where the Seishun 18 Kippu comes in handy, a lesser-known but as rewarding pass than the JRP, at least on the budgeting side.
Contrary to what its name may suggest, the S18K is purchasable by any traveler, regardless of their age or visa, and even by children. Japanese citizens are also eligible, unlike the JR Pass that is restricted to foreign visitors. In the same way, it offers free train trips, over 3 or 5 days.
New conditions of use starting late 2024
Until fall 2024, the Seishun 18 Kippu provided 2 interesting advantages compared to the JR Pass, namely:
- It could be used by single day implements, that is to say on a flexible 24h time slot to choose on a several weeks time period.
- It was not limited to one person and could be shared between several travelers on the same trips.
The JR East Company, in charge of selling the Seishun 18 Kippu, announced in October 2024 the end of the former use of this ticket. Its new conditions of use starting winter 2024 – 2025 are:
- A ticket validity of only 3 or 5 consecutive days;
- An individual use: every single traveler has to have their own tickets;
- The processing of tickets through automatic gates, without using the manned gates.
On a side note, its price is still very competitive compared to the ordinary 7-days JRP (¥50,000 / ~US$334.80) since October 2023:
- The 5 consecutive days versions still costs ¥12,050 (~US$80.68); and,
- The new 3 consecutive days version costs ¥10,000 (~US$66.96).
In practice, the S18K is a single JR train ticket, with a 3 or 5 days validity, starting from the date of the 1rst trip and according to the purchased duration. The Seishun 18 Kippu is now an individual ticket, to be used by a single traveler, as the ticket must be processed through the automatic gates at the station and can’t be validated 2 times in a row.
As for the main conditions of use, they mostly remain the same:
- First, it can not be used on the fastest trains ((Shinkansen and Limited Express), but is valid for the other local and rapid JR trains, the JR rapid buses, as well as on the ferry to Miyajima.
- Another optional ticket called Seishun 18 Kippu Hokkaido Shinkansen 🚅 allows a faster travel between Honshu and Hokkaido from and to Shin-Aomori for a ¥4,500 (~US$30.13) one-way fare.
- The pass cannot be ordered from overseas, but it is purchasable at most of the Midori no madoguchi counters in JR stations throughout Japan.
As usual, it is recommended to plan your itineraries in advance, using for example Japan Travel by Navitime.
Lastly, the S18K is valid only over a few specific time periods that coincide with touristic seasonal peaks:
- In spring, from March 1 to April 10 (sale from February 20 to March 31);
- In summer, from July 20 to September 10 (sale from July 10 to August 31);
- In winter, from December 10 to January 10 (sale from November 26 to December 31)
The date may vary each year according to the Japanese school holidays. For more details on the pass, check the official website (see our Learn More section below).
Our advice on whether to buy the S18K or not
The Japan Rail Pass certainly is more convenient to travel faster; for example, it allows to board with the Shinkansen and Limited Express trains, which the S18K does not.
However, before ordering, and if you are planning an original trip or trying to travel more locally, you may consider the Seishun 18 Kippu, which makes a 1-day train travel amount to an unbeatable ¥2,410(~US$16.14) fare for the 5-days version!
With this price comes a less touristy Japan, more quiet and probably more authentic, without the need for speed or modernity.
That is what the Japan Railways is promoting in beautiful advertising campaigns, with pictures you can see in our gallery below.